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Obtain Support For Synthesoft Products

Please perform the following steps to obtain technical support for Synthesoft products:

1. Visit the download page and make sure you have the latest version of the software installed.  We regularly post updates which may contain bug fixes - the problem you've encountered may already be fixed.

2. Take a moment to read the online help.

3. See if your problem is addressed in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

4. Download the diagnostics report generator, open the ZIP file, extract SSDiag.bat, and then run SSDiag.bat to generate a report.

5. Follow the instructions in the diagnostics report generator and submit the report to the appropriate email address below:

Synthesoft email contact list

Please make sure that your problem report contains a detailed a description of the problem as well as the diagnostics report. If your problem is related to a particular MP3 file, please send us the URL of the file so that we may test with it (if copyright permits).  Please do not email us the MP3 file!

Note: Problem reports which do not contain all of the information requested here will be referred back to this page.  Be sure to include the entire output from the diagnostics regardless of whether or not errors were found.  There is other important information in the output that our engineers will need in order to assist you (like OS version, sound card, video driver/mode, etc.).


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